

مركز مُـصَـان لذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة
Mosan Center for Special Needs
Mosan is a Day Care Center, (“Official Status”), established in September 1993 in Tyre/South Lebanon (History from 1993 to 2003) is a specialized educational facility that caters for children and young adults with special learning requirements and needs.
Students with physical, behavioral and emotional problems and learning disabilities attend the Center 5 days a week having breakfast and lunch meals daily at the center.
Mosan is relocated to its new premises in Borj El-Shamali, Tyre District/ South Lebanon in 2003 within 5-20 minutes distance from all the different sides of Tyre region (Story of Mosan). The Center is built on a 4200 m2 land, offered by Borj El-Shamali Municipality.
The pressing need for a care center and for adequate life standards for people with disabilities and their families, Rural Development Association and The Jaafariah Charitable Association responded with establishing “Tyre’s Day Care Center for People of Special Needs” (Mosan Center today)in September 1993 to address the vital need for educating and rehabilitating children with disabilities
RDA collaborated with the following organizations in the foundation process:
* The Jaafariah Charitable Association-Tyre provided the venue for the Center (350 m2) during the first phase of establishment and until July 2003.
* La Fondation Terre des Hommes (Lebanon Program) equipped the Center with adequate furniture and shared in providing the educational expenditures until 1995.
* The Center of Diagnosis and Educational Rectification and Guidance-Beirut (Dr. Moussa Charafeddine).
* Friends of the Disabled Association trained 6 special needs teachers and provided
* Imam El-Sadr Foundations-Tyre provided transportation services until 1996 and paid the salary of one special teacher until 1998.
• Is an independent entity
• A non-governmental organization (NGO) registered with the national authority
• Licensed by the Interior Ministry according to Authorization No. 1001.