The list below provides a list of the financial and technical assistance that Mosan Center has received over the past decade, listed in chronological order, in tandem with Mosan’s move to its new center in Borj El- Shamali community District of Tyre.
Ongoing: Lebanese Government - Ministry of Social Affairs (through a contract that partially covered the cost of 110 children.
- 2001:Borj El-Shamali Municipality donated the land of 4.200 m2 as the site for building the new Mosan Center.
- 2002:Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP-UK) donated (USD 45,000) for the new building.
- 2002: UNESCO Foundation Germany donated (USD 25,000) for the new building.
- 2003:The Foundation "Bread against Misery" Germany contributed entire bakery equipment.
- 2003:German Embassy, in Lebanon donated funds to buy all the kitchenette equipment.
- 2003:The Japanese Embassy, in Lebanon donated (USD 81,950) to complete the construction of the first and the second floors.
- 2004:The Embassy of the Netherlands contributed (USD 5,950) to technical equipment.
- 2005:The Canadian Embassy donated (USD 14.500) to equip the center and its classrooms with furniture.
- 2005:Bride and Groom N & J Ch donated (USD 26.000).
- 2005:The German Embassy donated (USD 12.500) for the physiotherapy room.
- 2005: The Lecce Hanaway donated (USD 3.500)for the cost of the green plants for the garden.
- 2006: The Canadian Embassy donated (USD 19.500)to install the center a protected elevator.
- 2006:The Canadian Embassy donated another (USD 18.000) to buy a school bus.
- 2006:The Irish Embassy donated (USD 26,000) for the construction of the redbrick tile roof of the building.
- 2006: The Foundation "Bread against Misery" Germany donated (USD 27.500)to buy for the bakery a fridge, a freezer and a (mobile-shop), a Fermentation chamber, an electrical bread cutter machine.
- 2007: USAID donated (USD 50,000) to equip the boarding sectionwith furniture and to install a central heating system.
- 2006-2007: ICAP (UK) through the Child of Lebanon association donated (USD 32.000)to equip the garden with protected outdoor play equipment.
- 2007UNIFIL Italian Army Logistic Brigade, Joint Task Force Lebanon sector West (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) supplied and installed (USD 5,500) an open-air wood stage.
- 2008:Italian Army Logistic Brigade (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (USD 7,750.00) to buy computers and educational materials.
- 2008: The Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services UAE, donated a kind donation of a 12 seats school busand a fund valued at (USD 188,504) to develop the programs in Mosan Center.
- May 2008:The German Embassy, in Lebanon, donated (USD 11,534) to install a free, non-polluting, and renewable hot water supply by providing a solar water system.
- May 2008: The Child of Lebanon association donated (USD 75,000)to set up an auditorium (152 Seats Theater) in the basement. (USD 8,250) (USD 5,750)
- 2008: Italian ENG Battalion (UNIFIL JTF L. SW), supplied and installed (USD 8,250)in the carpentry workshop required materials for all lighting and power.
- 2008:UNIFIL Italian ENG also donated as a kind donation a 160 KVA Electrical Power Transformer in the amount of (USD 5,750
- 2009: The Child of Lebanon association donated (USD 23.000) to replace the old school bus with a brand-new one.
- 2009: The Italian "General School of Music / Association of Rehabilitation of Deaf and dumb" "Association Filarmonica Citta di Pordenone" donated through the Italian army. (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-G9) a set of different musical instrumentsas a kind donation in the amount of (USD 3,450)
- 2010:Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-ITALBATTI) presented a kind donation of 139 different Christmas toys for Masan's children.
- 2010- June 2011: the Turkish Eng. Brigade (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) supplied and expands in an open-air wood stage in the amount of (USD 16,750).
- 2011:the Turkish Eng. Brigade (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) supplied as a kind donation a 45 KWA Generator in the amount of (USD 8,500).
- 2011: the Austrian Transport Brigade (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) granted as a kind donation in an amount of (USD 1,850) an outdoor play set
- 2011:a benefactor friend of Mosan granted in the amount of (USD 7,500) 12 computers with special software.
- 2012:Austrian Transport Brigade (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) through the Austrian Embassy granted in the amount of (USD 3,750) a set of outdoor play equipment.
- 2012:Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) presented a kind donation Christmas gift for Mosan s children.
- 2012:the Irish Battalion (UNIFIL JTF L. Tibnin) granted (USD 12,750) to complete the shortcomings of the Physiotherapy facilities to be fully equipped.
- 2012:a benefactor friend of Mosan (contractor & entrepreneur) donated an amount of (USD 175,000) to build a 600 m2 basement and Sep. 2013 an amount of (USD 210,000) to build a (420 m2) dining hall including (80 m2) kitchen facilities, under the condition that the children of Mosan have the priority to take their meals and our task is to provide the kitchen with proper equipment for the kitchen (cookware &cooking utensils.) and furniture of the dining hall)
- Jun 2013:the Austrian Transport Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) granted as a kind donation 2 sets of heavy-duty steam irons in the amount of (USD 3,500)
- 2013a benefactor friend of Mosan donated, (USD 10,000) to develop education programs.
- 2013the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-Leonte XIV-ItalBatt) donated a kind donation in the amount of (USD 22,000) to supply and install in the garden 9 outdoor solar poles and 10 outdoor solar projectors.
- 2013the German Embassy contributed a grant to purchase furniture for the dining hall (tables, chairs, and textile cover for the chairs) for adults in the amount of (USD 10,800)
- - Mar. 2014:the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-Leonte XV-G9) donated a kind donation including sports materials and equipment, in the amount of (USD 1,000) in order to implement a judo/karate course in the Center.
- 2014:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) granted as a kind donation nine I-Pads and two Laptops with special convenient programs for the Mosan children & three Radio-CD players in the amount of (USD 1,550)
- Jun 2015:the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-ITALBATT.) donated a kind donation of two different sizes of wheelchairs and walkers from the Italian: (Association Inter. Regina Elena") and from Istituo Studi Riceche Informazione Difesa (ISTRID) 44 In a pack of jam in In the amount of (USD 2,250).
- May 2015:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase furniture for the dining hall (tables & chairs) for children in the amount of (USD 4,750).
- 2015:the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated as a kind donation a heavy-duty Ice Cream Machine in the amount of (USD 2,800)
- 2015:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to set up led spot lamps in a false ceiling at the entrance of the Center in the amount of (USD 1,600)
- 2017:USAID (in January 2017) is working to equip shortcomings of the classroom equipment in the amount of (USD 15,000)
- The Australian Embassy (in January 2017) is working on equipping shortcomings of the kitchen equipment in the amount of(USD 29,800)
- 2017: the "34. Deutsche Einsatzkontingent UNIFIL" (German Navy) working on sharing with equipping a glass room with an "Interactive Whiteboard" in the amount of(USD 1,200).
- 2017:the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated a kind donation (from the Italian company “LEGNOLANDIA built the nature “) outdoor play equipment: one big metal-wood slide, one spring horse rider, and a metal-wood swing (Si-So) In the amount of (USD 2,250).
- 2017: the "34. Deutsche Einsatzkontingent UNIFIL" (German Navy) working on sharing with equipping a glass room with an "Interactive Whiteboard" in the amount of(USD 550).
- July 2017: Binod K Sharma and his wife Mrs. Mona donated (USD 1,400)to purchase therapeutic materials for the development of the physical therapy department.
- 2017the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-ITALBATT-S9) donated as a kind donation of 100 sweatshirts and 30 sticker albums in the amount of (USD 750).
- 2017:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase classroom equipment in the amount of (USD 2,600)
- 2017: the Italian Army (UNIFIL JTF L. SW-ITALBATT-S9) donated as a kind donation (from the Italian company “FITAV Federazione Italiana Taekwondo “& “Ama golco natural men” & “I com S.P.A BONTEMENT” indoor play tools and educational kits in the amount of (USD 1,750).
- 2017: the "34. Deutsche Einsatzkontingent UNIFIL" (German Navy) donate an amount of (EURO 1,600).
- & Apr. 2018:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase classroom equipment in the amount of (Euro 312 + USD 313).
- 2018:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase classroom equipment in the amount of (Euro 247.50 + USD 113).
- May 2018: the "34. Deutsche Einsatzkontingent UNIFIL" (German Navy) donated as a kind donation 2 cupboards, one single bed, a dry machine, and a small electric oven an amount of(USD 600).
- 2018:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase cutlery for Special Needs Children in the amount of (Euro 427 + USD 2,798).
- 2018:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) contributed a grant to purchase educational equipment in the amount of (Euro 252 + USD 1,170 + L.L. 38,250).
- 2018:the Diplomatic Spouses Association Lebanon (DSAL) provided fund to Purchase in the amount of (USD 2,750) Interactive Boards to develop an enhance mental abilities and Motor-behavioral-Social skills purposes on behalf of the children of Mosan Center.
- 2018: two German donor Families “Elke Ernestine Reitz and R&H Textile Recycling donated an amount of(Euro 350).
- 2019:the ITALBATT (UNIFIL JTF Leonte xxv. SW-S9) donated as a kind donation of 4 wheelchairs, 2 children-Crane and different sanitary materials provided by 1) "Corpo Inter. Di Soccorso" 2) Parrocchia S. Maria Della Misericordia in Oliveto Cirta (SA) 3) S.O. Solidarietaˊ 4) Fare Vwrde Onlus-Gruppo San Giovanni Campano (FR) in amount of (USD 1,9500).
- 2019: the ITALBATT (UNIFIL JTF Leonte xxv. SW-G9) donated as a kind donation of 3 wheelchairs and sanitary material provided by 1) "Corpo Inter. DiSoccorso" 2) Centro per la Leg – Cooperativa Galad (SALERNO) in amount of(USD 8500).
- 2019: the ITALBATT (UNIFIL JTF Leonte xxv. SW) donated as a kind donation School stationery material by the National Association of Drivers of the Italian Army, Napoli Branch, provided by 1) The Comprehensive Institute - G. Puccini -4° C.D Casoria - Napoli. 2) The educational administration - Lorenzine – Caserta. 3) The Comprehensive Institute Radice Sanzio Ammaturo - Napoli. 4) The educational administration - P. Giannne - Caserta.) in the amount of (USD 1,2500).
- 2019:the Italian "Generale di Brigata Diodato Abagnara Comandante Della Brigata Bersagliere Garibaldi donated as a kind donation a set of outdoor play equipment in the amount of (USD 1,450).
- May 2019:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) provided funds to Purchase an electrical oven.
- 2019: the ITALBATT (UNIFIL JTF Leonte xxv. SW) donated as a kind donation consisting of hygienic and sanitary materials & sports materials, provided by the Italian 1( "Comune Di Blufi" (PA) 2( "Ordine Costantiano - Laboratorio Analisi Uditore" (PA) 3( Sport Crespellano, Bologna (4 (Caritas “Diocesana Monreale" 5Associazione Arma Di Cavalleria Sez. Sracusa.
- 2019: the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - Sector West, Operation "LEONTE XXVƖƖƖ" G9 provided a 16 seated Bus, as a kind donation, in the amountof (USD 28,000).
- 2019:the evangelical church "Evangelische Gemeinde", Villach, Austria donated (Euro 300) through Wohl Sein Club / Austrian Contingent, (UNIFIL JTF L. SW).
- 2019: two German donor Families “Elke Ernestine Reitz and R&H Textile Recycling donated an amount of(Euro 350).
- 2020: General di Brigata Diodato Abagnara donated (Euro 400) to purchase Physiotherapy equipment.
- May 2020: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) provided funds in the amount of (USD 1,200) to purchase Flour for the bakery.
- May 2020: the International Medical Corps provided Hygienic household cleaning materials to be distributed to the parents of the center's children.
- 2020: Herr Ing. Mag. GertVieider, MBALiezen, Austriaunder the title of "Help immediately after the huge explosion on Aug. 04 / 2020 in Beirut”, through the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW), donated the amount of (USD 1,000) to purchase stationery an educational material.
- 2020: AKS beim Kommando Streitkräfte in Graz, Austriaunder the title of "Help immediately after the huge explosion on Aug. 04 / 2020 in Beirut”, through Vizeleutnant Heinz Vieider, president of the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW), donated the amount of (EURO 3,500) to purchase flour and baking ingredients for the bakery in Mosan Center.
- 2020:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated a fund of (USD 1,000) to purchase stationery and educational material.
- 2020:the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) provided Bedding, pillows, bed sheets, and pillowcases.
- 2020: Vizeleutnant Heinz Vieider, president of the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Transport contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW), donated the amounts of (USD 300) and (L. 600,000) to purchase stationery and educational material.
- 2020: the Youth of Sour group donated an infrared thermometer and a nano stream gun.
- 2020: the Lebanese Red Cross in Sour donated an infrared thermometer plus Masks.
- 2020: the Korean Contingent of the (UNIFIL JTF L. SW)donated COVID-19-related materials including 5 infrared thermometers, hand sanitizers liquid dispensers, liquid sterilization, masks, and Sanitary plastic gloves.
- November 2020: UNHCR through Dr. Mousa Charafedinepresident of the Friends of the Disabled Association donated COVID-19-related materials Including hand sanitizer, liquid dispensers, liquid sterilization, masks, and sanitary plastic gloves.
- 2020: the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - Sector West, Operation "LEONTE XXVƖƖƖ" G9 provided and supplied, as a kind donation, rations of Foodstuff.
- 2020 two German donor Families “Elke Ernestine Reitz and R&H Textile Recycling donated an amount of(Euro 350).
- May 2021: the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - SW, ITALBATT Task Force "PATRIA" LEONTE XXIX Cellula S9 provided Wheelchairs and supplied, as a kind donation, rations of foodstuffs.
- 2021: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (Euro 318)& (USD 2,633).
- 2021: the China Joint Task Force Lebanon provided and supplied hygienic and sanitary materials, various didactic, stationery, sports and disinfectant materials.
- 2021: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated(Euro 275) & (USD 1,142).
- 2021: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated(USD 1,000).
- 2021: the UNIFIL 48. German Navy Contingent (48. DEU EinsKtgt) provided all requirements for waterproofing of the center - including the Contingent's own peacekeepers’ manpower - with a total cost of (USD 270).
- 2021: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated(USD 171) & (Euro 815) & (L.L. 1,329,000).
- & December 2021: the UNIFIL 48. German Navy Contingent (48. DEU EinsKtgt) in-kind donation;
- Provided transport vehicle“TukTuk” for the amount of (USD 3,000)
- Provided 8 Batteries, 200 amp each, for the Elevator, which will facilitate the moving of our students with wheelchairs for the mount of (USD 1,920)
- Provided as in kind-donation the following for(USD 584).
- 3 Ink Cartridge Black for Printer “Canon Image Runner 2530i”.
- 7 Ink Cartridge (3 Black & 4Color) for “Printer Brother MFC-J200.
- 3 Ink Cartridge Black for Printer “KYOCERA TASK alfa 1801 GX”.
- Mixed Stationery for the Students.
- Medical Cloves size M-L-XL/ use for physical therapists.
- Provided 6 White Boards (Size 240X120 cm) and 6 White Boards (Size 90X60 cm), for the classrooms for the amount of (USD 1,340).
- Donated Christmas Decorations, candles of different sizes, and a big Christmas star.
- December 2021: the “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (Euro 200)
- December 2021 two German donor Families “Elke Ernestine Reitz and R&H Textile Recycling donated an amount of(Euro 350).
- January 2022: the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - SW, LEONTE XXX Cellula S9, and CIMIC provided and supplied, as kind donations, kid's shoes, rations of foodstuffs, and hygienic and sanitary material.
- January 2022: the UNIFIL 48. German Navy Contingent (48. DEU EinsKtgt) volunteered to rehabilitate and prepare a facility to accommodate the old and recently donated physiotherapy equipment. Besides their manpower, the Contingent covered the costs of (USD 1,264).
- March 2022: the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - SW, LEONTE XXX Cellula S9, and CIMIC provided and supplied, as a kind donation, hygienic and sanitary material, various didactic, stationery material, and wooden ballet.
- - April 2022: the German "Federal Armed Forces Help Children Worldwide Association" (Bundeswehrhilft Kinder Weltweite.V.) Through UNIFIL (48. DEU EinsKtgt) funded the 3rd phase of physiotherapy equipment that is required at the newly renovated physiotherapy facility. The donation came in two parts: the 1stin January with a total cost of (USD 3.500), and the 2nd in April with a total cost of (USD 3.158)
- May 2022, “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (USD 2,132)& (Euro 810) to install a solar System with 8 panels plus a 5 KW Inverter
- July 2022, the Italian Joint Task Force Lebanon - ITALBATT Celulla S9 provided(Euro 550) to purchase a Laptop for the Administration of Mosan Center
- 2022, “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (USD 700) & (Euro 1,300) to purchase Learning & Educational materials for the kids in Mosan Center
- 2022: Two philanthropists (D.Z & A Z), each of whom donated 5.000 USD, a total of 10.000 USD, to help and revive Mosan Center for it to be able to complete its mission in these difficult times.
- 2022, “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent (UNIFIL JTF L. SW) donated (USD 1,750) & (Euro 1,250) to purchase wheelchairs & Crutches for special needs children in Mosan Center.
- Nov> 2022: The “WOHLSEIN CLUB” of the Austrian Contingent of Joint Task Force Lebanon (UNIFIL) made an in-kind donation of an air hockey table in the name of the Austrian soldiers of the contingent.
- 2022: A Philanthropist donated an amount of 500 USD to supply the Generator with Diesel oil.
- 2022: L.L. 28,000,000 were gathered in the donation box at Mosan Center.
- 2022 two German donor Families “Elke Ernestine Reitz and R&H Textile Recycling donated an amount of(Euro 350).
- 2023: a friend of Mosan (Z.B) donated an amount of (USD 100)
- 2023: a German donor donated an amount of (Euro 1.000) through Ms. Gabe Abadi
- 2023: A Philanthropist donated an amount of L.L. 30.000.000 through Mr. Ali J Charafeddine.
- 2023: The Italian army community of Joint Task Force Lebanon - ITALBATT donated 650,00 € to cover the price of a laptop that it was bought for the administration department of Mosan Center.
April 2023: Friends of Mosan Community donated an amount of USD 5,300 to cover the needs of Mosan Center.
- May 20 2023: The newlywed’s Bride & Groom CAROLA & SELVATORE donated, in the Occasion of their Wedding, a generous donation of Euro Five Hundred.
Finally, and not least our main resources are derived from our income-generating projects. Besides, we conduct fundraising campaigns.
Mosan Center also raised funds from interested individuals to support the construction effort.